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Examples of Our Work


Vira Marketing's Website Concierge Exceeds Expectations

"At Soluna, we're not just a restaurant and supper club; we're an experience. Vira Marketing understood this implicitly. From the moment they built our custom website, it was clear they were invested in our success. Their SEO expertise has attracted both individual guests seeking a memorable night out and private groups eager to book our venue.

What sets Vira apart is their responsive support, aptly named Website Concierge. It's like having a dedicated team at our beck and call, ensuring every aspect of our website runs seamlessly. Whether it's a minor tweak or a significant update, they handle it with speed and precision, allowing us to focus on what we do best: creating unforgettable moments for our patrons. With Vira Marketing by our side, we're confident in our online presence and ready to welcome guests with open arms."


Restaurant + Supper Club

Mixing Tradition with Innovation: KISSA's Digital Journey

"Step into KISSA, where the fusion of Japanese kissatens and modern cocktails creates an unparalleled experience. As a cocktail bar and supper club, we're all about embracing tradition while infusing it with our unique flair, from vinyl vibes to fusion flavors.

Partnering with Vira Marketing was a no-brainer for us. Their understanding of our vision translated seamlessly into a stunning digital presence. With their unwavering support, we've been able to stay true to our roots while reaching new heights online.

Vira Marketing's commitment to excellence shines through in everything they do, from their custom website design to their attentive Website Concierge customer service. With them by our side, we're confident that KISSA will continue to be a destination for those seeking an unforgettable blend of tradition and innovation. "


Cocktail Bar + Supper Club

Navigating the Cannabis Frontier with Merry Jade

"When it comes to navigating the complexities of the cannabis industry, having a reliable partner is key. Vira Marketing not only built us a custom website that exceeds expectations but also provides unparalleled support that keeps us coming back for more.

Their commitment to our success is evident in every interaction. Whether it's troubleshooting technical issues or brainstorming new features, the team at Vira Marketing is always there to lend a helping hand. With their support, Merry Jade continues to thrive, empowering cannabis enthusiasts with the information they need to make informed decisions. Here's to Vira Marketing for being an indispensable part of our journey!"

Merry Jade

Canadian Recreational Cannabis

Expanding Horizons: A Testament from iConnect Media

"Entering new verticals can be a daunting task, but with Vira Marketing by our side, the journey has been nothing short of transformative. Their expertise in developing authority websites and crafting targeted SEO campaigns has been instrumental in our success, particularly in ventures like Medspa. What sets them apart is their unwavering commitment to quality. Despite our rapid growth, they've remained steadfast in ensuring that every project meets the highest standards. It's rare to find a partner who not only helps you grow but also maintains a focus on excellence every step of the way. If you're in search of reliable web partners who prioritize quality above all else, look no further than Vira Marketing. They've been instrumental in our journey, and we wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone seeking to elevate their online presence. Thank you, Vira Marketing, for being an invaluable part of our success story."

iConnect Media

Authority Web Design / MedSpa

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